Friday, October 28, 2011

Crumbling Corn

  • Bread
  • Corn
  • Cheese
  • Mayonnaise
  • Ginger garlic paste
  • Salt to taste
  • Small onion
  • Oil to deep fry

  • Cut onion into small pieces
  • Mix Sweet Corn, Mayonnaise, ginger garlic paste, onion
  • Cut the edges of bread and then make the slices into half
  • Spray water on one side of the cut bread
  • Spread the mixture above on one sides which is sprayed by water
  • Put some grated cheese on the spread mixture
  • Keep the other side over the top with the sprayed side facing downward
  • Close all the open  ends (since the bread is wet it would close easily)
  • Deep fry the bread until light brown.

Cut it into half and serve with ketchup/sauce

  • Since the mixture contains mayonise do not deep fry too for long.
  • You can also deep fry the cut edges and spread them over before serving